Our name C2O refers to the alchemy that happens when trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen “carbon to oxygen“.
This innate ability nature has to fight climate change – removing carbon, locking it up in its structure, and giving back the air that we breathe – that we believe can change the trajectory we are now on toward climate disruption and mass extinctions.
C2O reinvests the bulk of our profits into growing trees. Our goal is to enlist 5 million new trees in the fight against climate change in the first 2-3 years. We are targeting to grow over 200 million trees within 10 years.
We go beyond sustainable tourism in performing actions that improve our environment- we want each member to feel inspired by their journey and recognize that we can do things differently to improve our environment.
Our goals are for today and the future. Today, we know growing millions of trees will reduce CO2 and increase oxygen which all species require – however we do not plan on stopping there. Our partners are experts in their field and will utilize our business model to find new methods to further improve the planet’s health – both land and ocean.
We focus on offering members a healthy, natural stay with local organic cuisine and experiences for the mind, body, and soul. Our luxury lodgings are environmentally focused, supporting a different way of taking a holiday. All of our properties are unique and have common standards for sustainability and service. They are in wonderful locations around the planet, are naturally built, and offer unique experiences and breath taking views. We look forward to exploring this new way to redeem points and miles with you.
We want you to share the value, understanding, and necessity of tree growing and supporting local initiatives. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and create oxygen. They provide shade, filter pollution, boost lifespan, reduce stress, improve sleep, and supports species that are necessary for our survival.
Growing trees is an often overlooked solution to climate change, but is one of the most effective and scalable ones we have. The world’s tropical moist forests soak up about 7 tons of carbon per year (26 tons of carbon dioxide) per hectare every year, more than enough to offset an average U.S. consumer’s annual carbon footprint.
Most companies, including airlines, provide carbon offsets to which members donate points or miles. An offset works by engaging in an activity that does the opposite. Instead of producing carbon dioxide, doing something to absorb it. These offsets often fund renewable energy to reduce new emissions going into the atmosphere, but do nothing to remove what’s already built up over decades. Our carbon offsets actually take CO2 from the atmosphere, create oxygen, and lock the carbon away in trees.
It’s important to grow the right trees in the right places with the right partners. We have teamed up with the world’s leading conservation scientists and their global network of NGO’s to structure our carbon offset projects.
Our conservation partners spend a lot of time thinking about where to grow trees. Having mapped the concentration of biodiversity around the world, they are reforesting places where the highest number of species are at the greatest risk of extinction. So every tree grown fights two of the world’s most pressing issues – climate change and the loss of biodiversity.
Their science teams conduct annual drone surveys of each forest restoration project to verify the pace of forest growth and the density of canopy cover. From these surveys and carbon sequestration models, they determine the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed annually.
Saving Nature, a U.S. based non-profit conservation organization is working to build the capacity of imperiled ecosystems to mitigate climate change, support biodiversity, and sustain human welfare.
For over a decade, Saving Nature has worked with local partners to restore forests and create habitat corridors in some of the hottest of biodiversity hotspots in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, India, and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Their results can be seen from space, in before and after satellite imagery the team monitors annually.
Saving Nature is led by Stuart Pimm, the Doris Duke Professor of Conservation at Duke University, and recipient of several prestigious honours presented in the environmental field, including the 2019 International Cosmos Prize, the 2010 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, and the 2006 Heineken Prize for Environmental Sciences (from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). Their Science Board includes luminaries in the field of conservation – Edward O. Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy, Peter Raven, Patricia Wright, and Trevor Price.
Saving Nature’s projects in biodiversity hotspots around the world have made great strides in protecting the world’s biodiversity and fighting climate change. The species protected, forests restored, and carbon sequestered make a difference every day in the health of the planet.
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